Eucalyptus Oil Information
Blue Mallee Eucalyptus Oil (Botanical Name: Eucalyptus Polybractea) is an essential oil with a high cineole content with many medicinal properties.
Sustainable Eucalyptus Farming In Victoria
The oil is extracted from blue mallee eucalyptus plants via a steam distillation process. This involves mechanical harvesting of the native blue mallee plants every two to three years. This process is incredibly sustainable as the root base of the harvested plants almost immediately start to regrow again ready for the next harvest without any need to replace these plants.

How We Exctract Pure Blue Mallee Eucalyptus Oil?
The steam distillation process involves loading the eucalyptus leaves into a portable vat and steam injected into this vat from a boiler. This steam is then cooled via a heat exchanger and turned into a liquid. Both eucalyptus oil and water are contained in the cooled steam and they flow into a tank with the lighter eucalyptus oil rising above the water for collection. This collected oil is 100% pure blue mallee eucalyptus oil and the only ingredient in Hartland’s Eucalyptus Oil with no additional additives.
Benefits And Uses Of Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus Oil has many uses and benefits.
- Antimicrobial and antifungal properties
- May provide relief from colds and respiratory problems
- Insect repellent
- Analgesic / pain relief